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Thursday, March 13, 2025
Firm Overview

Committed to representing employers in their workers’ compensation and employment-related matters…








Our Mission
To enhance our position as Ohio’s premier statewide workers’ compensation and labor relations defense firm by providing cost effective legal services, by remaining sensitive to our clients’ needs and desires, and by advancing our clients’ objectives.  Excellent service to clients is the hallmark of our law firm.  To achieve this goal by always exercising the highest degree of integrity and professionalism with our staff, our clients, our fellow Bar members, our legal system and our local communities. 

Our Philosophy
Scheuer Mackin is a unique law firm.  Our identity arose from shared values and a common vision among lawyers singularly committed to representing employers in their workers’ compensation and employment related matters.  The firm commits all of its resources to sustaining a distinguished level of service, trust, and confidence in distinctive and very demanding areas of the law.  This same singular focus allows the firm to attract and retain people of uncommon ability and dedication to serving our clients.

Our History
Edna Scheuer and Melanie Mackin launched Scheuer Mackin LLC in April of 2002.  Their objective was to create Ohio’s only statewide law firm committed to advising and representing employers in their workers’ compensation and related interests.   

The firm’s leadership and unique client relationships attracted other attorneys whose qualifications and dedication to their clients enhanced the firm’s pre-eminent status among workers’ compensation defense practices.  In 2004, Scheuer Mackin chose to complement its breadth of service to include other employer-related expertise.  It thus expanded into the areas of labor and employee relations law. 

While the firm and its clients have enjoyed on-going professional successes, in late 2005, they suffered a terrible loss when founding member Melanie Mackin succumbed to cancer.  Ms. Mackin’s professionalism and humanitarian interests left a lasting influence on the firm, the Dayton legal community, and the community at large.  For more information concerning Ms. Mackin, we invite you to click here.


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